Benefits Of Hiring A Long Term Disability Lawyer

27 May 2019
 Categories: Law, Blog


Having a permanent or long term disability means that you may cannot work due to a progressive or chronic condition. Disability benefits are used to replace the income you will lose due to the inability to work. These benefits are critical for individuals and families in order to sustain their established lifestyle. When filing a claim for disability, there are several procedures required in order to determine if you qualify for disability benefits and regardless of how careful you are when filling out the application, it's possible for you to be denied disability benefits. Along with helping appeal a denied claim; here are some benefits of hiring a long term disability attorney.

Claim is Denied

Unfortunately, the majority of long term disability claims are initially denied. Typically, claims are denied because of mistakes that are made on the application you fill out for the claim. Filing a claim for disability benefits is an opportunity to receive the medical coverage and income you need for survival, so it is important to not give up. If you were denied disability benefits, you can appeal the decision. A long term disability attorney can review your original application, explain to you what mistakes were made in the application and help you correctly fill out the application so you can refile your claim.

Gathering Evidence

One of the things your attorney will need is a medical privacy release, which allows your attorney to have access to your medical records. After reviewing your medical records, your attorney will determine if there is a need for additional testing and/or procedures that increase the chances of you being approved for long term disability compensation. In some situations, the government can request that you be examined by one of their doctors, your attorney can request that you also be examined or tested privately.

Once all of the required documents are ready and a claim has been filed to appeal the denial for long term disability, you will be given a hearing date. A long term disability attorney can prepare you for the hearing by providing information on how the hearing will be conducted as well as how to respond to the questions you will be asked. Your attorney will also be present to represent you at the hearing and if you are physically unable to attend the hearing, your attorney will attend the hearing for you to present your case.

Reach out to a company like Iler and Iler to learn more.